Minecraft 17 10 Feed the Beast
Direwolf20 | |
Maintained by | The FTB Team |
Description | |
A modpack for Direwolf20's Season 7 YouTube Let's Play | |
Version info | |
Current stable | 1.10.0 |
Minecraft | 1.7.10 |
Forge | |
The Direwolf20 modpack is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack designed by Direwolf20 for Minecraft 1.7.10. This pack is maintained and created by the FTB Team, and is considered a FTB modpack. Direwolf20 uses this on his Season 7 Modded Minecraft YouTube Let's Play series, which started on the 1st of November, 2014.
Main Menu
Mods included
Mod | Authors |
Admin Commands Toolbox | ProfMobius |
Another One Bites The Dust | ganymedes01 |
Applied Energistics 2 | AlgorithmX2 |
Baubles | Azanor |
Better Title Screen | amadornes |
Bdlib | bdew |
BiblioCraft | Nuchaz |
BiblioWoods (Biomes O' Plenty, Forestry, Natura) | Nuchaz |
Big Reactors | Erogeneous Beef |
Biomes O' Plenty | Adubbz |
Blood Magic | WayofTime |
Botania | Vazkii |
Botany | Binnie |
BuildCraft | SpaceToad, CovertJaguar, asie |
Carpenter's Blocks | Mineshopper |
ChickenChunks | ChickenBones |
Chisel (Chisel Team) | tterrag1098, Drullkus, Minecreatr |
CodeChickenCore | ChickenBones |
CodeChickenLib | ChickenBones |
CoFH Core | Team CoFH |
Compact Solar Arrays | progwml6, cpw |
ComputerCraft | Dan200 |
Custom Main Menu | Lumien |
Dense Ores | RWTema |
EnderCore | tterrag1098 |
Ender IO | CrazyPants |
EnderStorage | ChickenBones |
EnderTech | Drayshak |
EnderZoo | CrazyPants |
Extra Utilities | RWTema |
Factorization | neptunepink |
Fastcraft | Player |
FlatSigns | Myrathi |
Forestry | Player |
Forge Multipart | ChickenBones |
FTBLib | LatvianModder |
FTB Utilities | LatvianModder |
Funky Locomotion | RWTema |
Gendustry | bdew |
Hats | iChun |
Hat Stand | iChun |
HelpFixer | matthewprenger |
IC2 Nuclear Control | Xbony2 |
iChun Util | iChun |
IndustrialCraft 2 | IndustrialCraft 2 Dev Team |
INpureCore | Denoflionsx |
Inventory Tweaks | Kobata |
Iron Chests | progwml6 |
JABBA | ProfMobius |
JourneyMap Unlimited | techbrew |
Magic Bees | MysteriousAges, Arkandos |
Mantle | boni |
MineFactory Reloaded | skyboy |
MineTweaker | StanH |
Modular Powersuits | MachineMuse |
Morph | iChun |
Morpheus | quetzi |
MrTJPCore | MrTJP |
Mystcraft | XCompWiz |
Natura | progwml6 |
NEI Addons | bdew |
NEI Integration | tonius11 |
Not Enough Codecs | OpenMods Team |
Not Enough Keys | Mr_okushama |
NEI | ChickenBones |
Numina | MachineMuse |
ObsidiPlates | Myrathi |
OpenBlocks | OpenMods Team |
OpenMods Lib | OpenMods Team |
OpenPeripheral Addons | OpenMods Team |
OpenPeripheral Core | OpenMods Team |
OpenPeripheral Integration | OpenMods Team |
PneumaticCraft | MineMaarten |
PortalGun | iChun |
Project Red | Mr_TJP, ChickenBones |
Railcraft | CovertJaguar |
Redstone Arsenal | Team COFH |
Resource Loader | Lumien |
Steve's Carts | Vswe |
Steve's Factory Manager | Vswe |
Thaumcraft | Azanor |
Thaumic Exploration | nekosune |
Thaumic Tinkerer | pixlepix |
Thermal Expansion | Team CoFH |
Thermal Dynamics | RWTema |
Thermal Foundation | Team CoFH |
Tinkers' Construct | boni |
Tinkers' Construct Tooltips | squeek502 |
Tinkers' Mechworks | mDiyo |
Translocators | ChickenBones |
Twilight Forest | Benimatic |
WAILA | ProfMobius |
WAILA Harvestability | squeek502 |
Witchery | Emoniph |
WR-CBE | ChickenBones |
"Feed The Beast"
"name" = ""Navbox Feed The Beast"" "state" = ""plain""
Feed The Beast | |
1.19 modpacks |
1.18 modpacks |
1.16 modpacks |
1.15 modpacks |
1.14 modpacks |
1.12 modpacks |
1.10.2 modpacks |
1.9.4 modpacks |
1.8.9 modpacks |
1.7.10 modpacks |
1.6.4 modpacks |
1.5.2 modpacks |
1.4.7 modpacks |
1.4.2 modpacks |
1.2.5 modpacks |
Mods |
Bedrock maps |
Bedrock skin packs |
Bedrock misc content |
Comparisons |
Source: https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Direwolf20_(1.7.10)
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