Minecraft 17 10 Feed the Beast

Direwolf20 17 Logo.png
Maintained by The FTB Team
A modpack for Direwolf20's Season 7 YouTube Let's Play
Version info
Current stable 1.10.0
Minecraft 1.7.10

The Direwolf20 modpack is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack designed by Direwolf20 for Minecraft 1.7.10. This pack is maintained and created by the FTB Team, and is considered a FTB modpack. Direwolf20 uses this on his Season 7 Modded Minecraft YouTube Let's Play series, which started on the 1st of November, 2014.

Main Menu

Direwolf20 1710 Mainmenu.png

Mods included

Mod Authors
Admin Commands Toolbox ProfMobius
Another One Bites The Dust ganymedes01
Applied Energistics 2 AlgorithmX2
Baubles Azanor
Better Title Screen amadornes
Bdlib bdew
BiblioCraft Nuchaz
BiblioWoods (Biomes O' Plenty, Forestry, Natura) Nuchaz
Big Reactors Erogeneous Beef
Biomes O' Plenty Adubbz
Blood Magic WayofTime
Botania Vazkii
Botany Binnie
BuildCraft SpaceToad, CovertJaguar, asie
Carpenter's Blocks Mineshopper
ChickenChunks ChickenBones
Chisel (Chisel Team) tterrag1098, Drullkus, Minecreatr
CodeChickenCore ChickenBones
CodeChickenLib ChickenBones
CoFH Core Team CoFH
Compact Solar Arrays progwml6, cpw
ComputerCraft Dan200
Custom Main Menu Lumien
Dense Ores RWTema
EnderCore tterrag1098
Ender IO CrazyPants
EnderStorage ChickenBones
EnderTech Drayshak
EnderZoo CrazyPants
Extra Utilities RWTema
Factorization neptunepink
Fastcraft Player
FlatSigns Myrathi
Forestry Player
Forge Multipart ChickenBones
FTBLib LatvianModder
FTB Utilities LatvianModder
Funky Locomotion RWTema
Gendustry bdew
Hats iChun
Hat Stand iChun
HelpFixer matthewprenger
IC2 Nuclear Control Xbony2
iChun Util iChun
IndustrialCraft 2 IndustrialCraft 2 Dev Team
INpureCore Denoflionsx
Inventory Tweaks Kobata
Iron Chests progwml6
JABBA ProfMobius
JourneyMap Unlimited techbrew
Magic Bees MysteriousAges, Arkandos
Mantle boni
MineFactory Reloaded skyboy
MineTweaker StanH
Modular Powersuits MachineMuse
Morph iChun
Morpheus quetzi
Mystcraft XCompWiz
Natura progwml6
NEI Addons bdew
NEI Integration tonius11
Not Enough Codecs OpenMods Team
Not Enough Keys Mr_okushama
NEI ChickenBones
Numina MachineMuse
ObsidiPlates Myrathi
OpenBlocks OpenMods Team
OpenMods Lib OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral Addons OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral Core OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral Integration OpenMods Team
PneumaticCraft MineMaarten
PortalGun iChun
Project Red Mr_TJP, ChickenBones
Railcraft CovertJaguar
Redstone Arsenal Team COFH
Resource Loader Lumien
Steve's Carts Vswe
Steve's Factory Manager Vswe
Thaumcraft Azanor
Thaumic Exploration nekosune
Thaumic Tinkerer pixlepix
Thermal Expansion Team CoFH
Thermal Dynamics RWTema
Thermal Foundation Team CoFH
Tinkers' Construct boni
Tinkers' Construct Tooltips squeek502
Tinkers' Mechworks mDiyo
Translocators ChickenBones
Twilight Forest Benimatic
WAILA ProfMobius
WAILA Harvestability squeek502
Witchery Emoniph
WR-CBE ChickenBones

"Feed The Beast"

"name" = ""Navbox Feed The Beast"" "state" = ""plain""


Source: https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Direwolf20_(1.7.10)

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